Sunday, June 2, 2013

Quick Facts on Natural Colon Cleansing

Quick Facts on Natural Colon Cleansing and the Colon Diet

Before starting any workout or diet regimen, it is necessary to understand the importance of doing a thorough body detox and colon cleansing so that your body can feel the full effects of your new diet. It is said that when your colon is cleansed that much of the food digested will be broken down more efficiently allowing your body to get the full benefits of your foods vitamins and minerals.

For those of you who are not too familiar with how colon cleansing works, than here is a quick description of what it is and how it works. Colon cleansing is the use of natural foods especially “fiber” to clean the passage way of the food entering your stomach. It is widely believed that with a cleaner colon, the food is not left in the colon which otherwise would cause additional weight gain and make you feel bloated.

Colon cleansing and the actual colon diet recommends increasing the naturally occurring fiber in addition to consuming your everyday foods. The addition in fiber would improve overall digestion and nutrient absorption. People who have followed such a program have befitted in numerous ways like a boost of energy, eliminate constipation, and improve your skin, hair and nails. It puts a stop to bloating, gas and can even eliminate bad breath because the food left in your colon will not be pushed back into your esophagus especially if you suffer from GERD. With the cleaning of excess foods, your body may shed extra weight which is still up for debate by several nutritionists.

If you have a problem working in the proper foods into your daily diet which would clean your colon, than you can always purchase natural colon cleansing supplements which do exactly the same thing but are in the form of a pill usually taken 1-2 times daily. The supply would normally last about 1 month and can be purchased at several nutrition stores.

If you choose to try colon cleansing than there are a few things that you would want to consider before starting.

·         If you are taking any other medication or suffer from an illness, it is very important to talk to your doctor before starting any new regimen. It is also important to consult a nutritionist to find out how the process should work especially if this is your first time.

·         Do some studying so you have some general knowledge about the procedure or diet. If you’re taking supplements, than do some research to find out what’s the best way to take the supplement. This would normally be written on the bottle, however doing your own research is always beneficial.

·         Drink plenty of water because water has long been considered the natural cleaning agent for your body. Water will also keep you hydrated especially because colon cleansing keeps your bowel movements active. Water with the use of colon supplements will double the effects of the system. I recommend keeping a bottle with you at all times or even a glass of water near you table at home.

·         Colon and food ingredients are always important to keep an eye on. You want to make sure that the ingredients are suitable for your body. Many people have allergies to certain ingredients and then become very ill after taking certain supplements. Avoid all this by doing some research and reading the label of all foods or supplements that you digest.

·         There is a limit to colon cleansing and it must be done with breaks in between. This is why it is important that you consult your doctor regarding any treatment. He/she will be able to tell you when and how often it is recommended. Also, before you go through another colon cleanse for the second time, it is important to consult your doctor every time because your condition could have changed from the time you had it done previously.

Above you can find some great benefits and even precautions that must be taken when considering colon cleansing. It is recommended that if you are starting a new diet plan or even workout regimen, then you may want to have your colon cleanse before starting. It personally would not recommend it more than once since it can interfere with the natural cleaning mechanism of your body. If you’re looking for more information than there are several resources available starting with the internet. 
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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Cholest Aid 60 Caps By Biolife, Policosanol, Garlic, Phytosterol, Helps to Cholesterol Bad, Triglycerides and Chronic Fatigue All Natural

Cholest Aid 60 Caps By Biolife, Policosanol, Garlic, Phytosterol, Helps to Cholesterol Bad, Triglycerides and Chronic Fatigue All Natural

Helps with high cholesterol, chronic fatigue, dizziness, headache, prevents heart attacks, and improves circulation.

Cholest AID por BIOLIFE
Ayuda con el colesterol alto, cansancio crónico, mareos, dolor de cabeza, fatiga, previene ataques cardiacos y mejora la circulación

INGREDIENTS: Phytosterol, red rice yeast, garlic, policosanol and Co-Q10

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Call (626)343-8224

Liver Detoxifier and Regenerator, 60 Capsules 100% Natural, Detoxifier # 2 Liver Formula

Liver Detoxifier and Regenerator, 60 Capsules 100% Natural, Detoxifier # 2 Liver Formula

Liver Formula is the perfect combination capsule to clean and detoxify the liver. It keeps the blood free of toxins. Used as an aid in fatty liver, hepatitis C, cirrhosis, eliminating toxins in inflamed stomach and oral malodour. It also helps skin spots and promotes good circulation.


Desintoxicador # 2 Formula para el Higado por Biolife
Fórmula  para  el  hígado  es la combinación  perfecta  en  capsula que  ayuda a limpiar y desintoxicar el  hígado manteniendo la sangre libre de toxinas.  Se usa como auxiliar en hígado grasoso, Hepatitis C, Cirrosis, eliminando toxinas en el estomago  inflamado y  el mal olor de la boca.  Ayuda también en manchas en la piel  y promueve una  buena  circulación.

Powdered milk thistle, artichoke powder, dandelion, proprietary blend, boldo leaf powder, mint leaf powder, quassia bark powder, Red Clover powder, Powder white oak bark, cellulose & magnesium stearate.

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Ultra Kidney Detox 60 Capsules Clean the Urinary System 100% Natural, Detoxifier # 3 Ury Formula

Detoxifier # 3 Ury Formula by Biolife

Help with urinary inflections, kidney stones, incontinence, back pain, fluid retention and eliminates toxins.

Desintoxicador # 3 Sistema Urinario
Ayuda con infecciones urinarias, cálculos renales, incontinencia, dolor de espalda, retención de líquidos y elimina toxinas.

Uva ursi, grama, parsley, juniper berries, asparagus, proprietary blend, buchu, alfalfa, watermelon seed powder, corn hairs, golden root, blueberries, cellulose & magnesium stearate.

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Natural Intestinal Cleanse 60 Capsules, Detox Laxo and System Support No More Constipation, Detoxifier # 4 Intestine Formula, By Biolife

Detoxifier # 4 Laxo Formula by biolife

No more constipation, Laxo Formula is an aide in this process because it cleanses and detoxifies the intestinal tract preventing constipation. It also helps with obesity problems, bloating, indigestion, and continuous stomach pain.

Desintoxicador # 4 Formula para el intestino por Biolife

No más estreñimiento, formula para el intestino es un auxiliar en este funcionamiento porque  limpia y desintoxica el tracto intestinal evitando el estreñimiento. Además ayuda en problemas de obesidad, inflamación del vientre bajo, mala digestión y dolores estomacales continuos.

Cascara sagrada, rhubarb root powder, asparagus root powder, proprietary blend, dust of the road sen, celery leaves, blueberries, Irish moss, parsley, spinach, aloe vera, cellulose & magnesium stearate.

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Super Colon Cleanse, Dietary Supplement, 60 Capsules, Detoxifier # 1 Colon Formula and Weight Loss 100% Natural by biolife

Detoxifier # 1 Colon Formula
Formulated for colon, helps deflate the stomach, lubricates the intestine and helps maintain healthy intestinal flora, it also helps with hemorrhoid problems, heartburn, acid, skin spots and chronic fatigue. Colon formula is the solution to say goodbye to constipation and live a healthy life. 

Desintoxicador # 1 Formula para el colon
Formulado para su colon, ayuda en desinflamar el estómago, lubrica el intestino y mantiene la flora intestinal sana. También ayuda con problemas de hemorroides, agruras, acides, manchas en la piel y cansancio crónico. Esta fórmula para el colon es la solución para decirle adiós al estreñimiento y vivir una vida sana.

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